Awesome weeklong course for neuroimaging and data science.
Publishing your code can help you find your own errors→
/Publishing your code forces you to "clean it up", which can help identify errors.
As you can guess from the post title, in the process of cleaning up the code and files for uploading to the OSF, I found a coding bug. (There can't be many more horrible feelings as a scientist than finding a bug in the code for a paper that's already been accepted!) The bug was that when calculating the accuracy across the cross-validation folds, one of the fold's accuracies was omitted. Thankfully, this was a 15-fold cross-validation, so fixing the code so that the mean is calculated over all 15 folds instead of just 14 made only a minuscule difference in the final results, nothing that changed any interpretations.
Programming in python (and Psychopy)→
/Nice set of resources. Our lab is moving to Psychopy in the coming year.
A Compendium of Clean Graphs in R→
/Amazing resource from EJ Wagenmakers and Quentin Gronau. From the introductory blogpost:
]A] good graph obeys the golden rule: “create graphs unto others as you want them to create graphs unto you”. This means that a good graph is a simple graph, in the Einsteinian sense that a graph should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. A good graph communicates the main message effectively, without fuss and distraction. In addition, a good graph balances its graphical and textual elements – large symbols demand an increase in line width, and these together require an increase in font size.