Great suggestions.
- Understand the ways that the system is biased against women and the role that we all play in maintain the status quo.
- Revise your syllabi to include work by women.
- Reach out to women (especially junior women) by incorporating them in professional networks and inviting them to participate in special issues and topical conferences.
- Refuse to participate in men only events (i.e. panels, forums with all men).
- Call out instances of bias when you see them.
- Don’t hijack women’s conversations in professional settings, and work to ensure everyone is expected to speak in important conversations when you are in charge.
- Ask women about their research.
- Work to change the system when you can (advocate for parental leave policy, advocate for attention to genders issues in your department like uneven service obligation, bring up gender bias in teaching evaluations whenever this is used to evaluate faculty, advocate for back-up care, subsidized daycare, attention to public school breaks and holidays in establishing academic calendars, and spousal hiring).