Great post from Michael Frank on improving reproducibility in science

Hard to argue with any of these suggestios.

2. Everything open by default. There is a huge psychological effect to doing all your work knowing that everyone will see all your data, your experimental stimuli, and your analyses. When you're tempted to write sloppy, uncommented code, you think twice. Unprincipled exclusions look even more unprincipled when you have to justify each line of your analysis.** And there are incredible benefits of releasing raw stimuli and data – reanalysis, reuse, and error checking. It can make you feel very exposed to have all your experimental data subject to reanalysis by reviewers or random trolls on the internet. But if there is an obvious, justifiable reanalysis that A) you didn't catch and B) provides evidence against your interpretation, you should be very grateful if someone finds it (and even more so if it's before publication).