A good list here spanning many areas of neuroscience. Add yourself if you are a female neuroscientist, and use as a resource if you are putting together a symposium or speaker series and find yourself with fewer than 50% females on your list.
A good list here spanning many areas of neuroscience. Add yourself if you are a female neuroscientist, and use as a resource if you are putting together a symposium or speaker series and find yourself with fewer than 50% females on your list.
Jonathan Peelle, PhD
CV: PeelleCV.pdf | Google Scholar profile
Lab: peellelab.org
Office: ISEC 320
E-mail: j.peelle123@northeastern.edu(without the 123)
Mastodon: @jpeelle@neuromatch.social
("Peelle" sounds like "peel". I blame my ancestors for the extra letters.)